Conferences & Workshops

This joint meeting provides a great opportunity for young herpesvirus researchers to present their data to a knowledgeable audience, meet colleagues, and to initiate productive collaborations. This year, the annual Mini-Herpesvirus Workshop will be held together with the international symposium of the DFG FOR 2830 “Advanced Concepts in the Cellular Immune Control of Cytomegalovirus”.

Confirmed speakers include:
Boris Bogdanow (Leibniz-FMP, Berlin)
Emma Poole (University of Cambridge, UK)
Elvira D’Ippolito (TU Munich)
Hannes Vietzen (Medizinische Universität Wien)
Noam Stern-Ginossar (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot).
Thomas Schulz (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)

Moreover, we will enjoy short oral presentations given by graduate students and postdocs, which will be selected from submitted abstracts.

Set against the charming hanseatic backdrop of Hamburg, renowned as the gateway to the world, the conference is scheduled from March 4 to 7, 2025. It will take place at the Audimax, a lecture hall building on the main campus of the Universität Hamburg, and is conveniently located close to the city center, the bustling harbor and plenty of other famous attractions Hamburg has to offer.
As usual, the annual GfV gathering serves as a hub for virologists delving into diverse aspects of viral infections – from basic research to veterinary, translational, and clinical virology. Building on the success of last year’s events, we are also committed to supporting young virologists by offering a platform through the “junge GfV”, which will host a dedicated jGfV session and a workshop organized by ACHIEVE, tailored to their needs.

Moreover, the program will feature keynote lectures delivered by world-renowned experts, an award ceremony honoring recipients of the society’s award winners, and numerous workshops for short oral presentations. During sessions, poster presentations, and social events, attendees will have plenty of time to (re)socialize, discuss and exchange innovative ideas.

More Information soon…